Persuasions #15, 1993                                                                                                                                                    Pages 69-72


Jane Austen Works and Studies, 1993




Austen, Jane, Catharine and Other Writings, Margaret Anne Doody and Douglas Murray, editors, new introduction by Doody.  World’s Classics.  New York, Oxford University Press, 1993, xlvi+372 pp.  FE.  Paper.


—, Complete Novels of Jane Austen, Collins Classics.  Glasgow, HarperCollins Publishers, 1993, 1031 pp.   Includes Lady Susan.  New introductions by Paul Boateng, V. S. Pritchett, Patrick O’Brian, Reginald Hill, Dorothy McMillan, Loreto Todd and Dom Nicholas Seymour; brief biography, Nigel Nicolson; Envoi, Rudyard Kipling.  Paper.


—, Emma, A Norton Critical Edition.  An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds, Reviews and Criticism, 2nd edition.  Stephen Parrish, editor.  NY, Norton, 1993, 430 pp.  Paper.


—, Jane Austen’s The History of England, introduction A. S. Byatt, note on the text, Deirdre LeFaye, Chapel Hill, Algonquin Press, 1993, 60 pp.  Cloth, dust jacket.  London, The Folio Society, 1993, 60 pp.  Slipcase.


—, Mansfield Park, ed. Pamela Norris, Everyman, London/Dent, Vermont/Tuttle, 1993, 393 pp., new edition, (first 1906).  Paper.


—, Pride and Prejudice, A Norton Critical Edition.  An Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Criticism, 2d edition.  Donald Gray, editor.  New York, Norton, 1993, 388 pp.  Paper.


—, Pride and Prejudice, ed. Pamela Norris, Everyman, London/Dent, Vennont/Tuttle, 1993, new edition, (first 1906), 317 pp.  Paper.


—, Sayings of Jane Austen, Maggie McKernan, editor.  London, Duckworth, 1993, 64 pp.  Paper.


—, The Beautifull Cassandra, Juliet McMaster, ed., and illustrations in full colour; afterword.  Victoria BC, Sono Nis Press, 1993, unpaginated (40 pp.).  Paper.


—, The Expanded Book, The Novels of Jane Austen, Santa Monica, Voyager, 1993.  Electronic Disk for the Mac. Vol. 1, 2 disks.  Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park. Vol. 2, 2 disks, Emma, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.  Modern Library text.  These were announced for 1992, actually arrived in 1993.


Austen-Leigh, Joan, Mrs. Goddard, Mistress of a School.  Letters from Highbury. Another View of Emma.  Victoria, Room of One’s Own Press, 1993, 180 pp.  Paper.


Austen-Leigh, William and R. A., Jane Austen A Family Record [1913], revised and enlarged by Deirdre LeFaye, London, The British Library, 1993, 326 pp.  Paper.


Barrett, Julia (pseudonym), Presumption: An Entertainment.  Sequel to Pride and Prejudice.  New York, M. Evans and Co., Inc., 1993, 275 pp.  Cloth, dust jacket.  Julia Barrett is Julia Braun Kessler and Gabrielle Donnelly.


Bloom, Allan, Love and Friendship, New York, Simon & Schuster, 1993, 590 pp.  “Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice,” p. 191-208.  Cloth.


Brodkey, Harold, “Jane Austen vs. Henry James,” p. 76-93, Hiding in Plain Sight, Essays in Criticism and Autobiography.  Wendy Lesser, editor.  San Francisco, Mercury House, 1993, 331 pp.  Cloth, dust jacket.


Drabble, Margaret. “A Fiction.” (Continuation of Persuasion.)  Published in Persuasions #15, Raleigh, NC, JASNA, 1993.


Favret, Mary, Romantic Correspondence: Women, Politics and the Fiction of Letters, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993, xii+268 pp.  “Jane Austen and the Look of Letters,” p. 133-175.  Cloth, dust jacket.


Folsom, Marcia McClintock, editor, Approaches to Teaching Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Approaches to Teaching World Literature Series #45, New York, Modern Language Assn. of America, 1993, 186 pp.  With a Jane Austen chronology, John McAleer; and a map for Pride and Prejudice, Jane Langton.  Paper and cloth.


Goucher College.  Julia Rogers Library.  A Guide to the Jane Austen Collection of the Julia Rogers Library Goucher College, Baltimore, Goucher College Library, 1993, 22 pp.  Illustrated.  Paper.


Great Writers.  Jane Austen An Illustrated Anthology.  London, Aurum Press, 1993, 64 pp.  Conceived, edited and designed by Russell Ash and Bernard Higton.  Boards and dust jacket.  (Elliot misspelled p. 60).


Jane Austen Society, Report for 1992.  Winchester, Jane Austen Society, 1993, 48 pp.  Paper.


Jane Austen Society of Australia, Sensibilities, #6, February, 1993, 48 pp.  No place, no publisher.  Paper.


Jane Austen Society of Australia, Sensibilities, #7, August, 1993.  No place, no publisher.  Paper.


Jane Austen Society of North America, Persuasions #15.  Raleigh, NC, 1993.  Paper.


Kelsall, Malcolm, The Great Good Place: The Country House and English Literature, New York, Columbia University Press, 1993, 210 pp. “Jane Austen’s houses,” p. 101-115.  Cloth, dust jacket.


Koste, V. Glasgow, I Remain … J. Austen, A Play in One Act, Woodstock, IL, Dramatic Publishing Co., 1993, 32 pp.  Paper.


Kuwahara, Kuldip K., Jane Austen at Play: Self-Consciousness, Beginnings, Endings.  New York, Peter Lang, 1993, 187 pp.  Laminated boards.


Lane, Maggie, A Charming Place: Bath in the Life and Novels of Jane Austen, Bath, Millstream Books, 1993 amended, 104 pp.  Paper.


Lauber, John, Jane Austen, NY, Twayne, 1993, 159 pp.  English Authors Series.  Cloth, dust jacket.


Menzies, June, His Cunning or Hers: A Postscript to Persuasion.  Illustrations by Juliet McMaster.  Edmonton, Univ. of Alberta, 1993, 64 pp.  Boards.


Pool, Daniel, What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew, From Fox Hunting to Whist –, The Facts of Daily Life in 19th-Century England, New York, Simon and Schuster, 1993, 416 pp.  Cloth, dust jacket.


Powell, Violet, A Jane Austen Compendium: The Six Major Novels, London, Heinemann, 1993, 210 pp.  Cloth, dust jacket.  On copyright page: “The author has asserted her moral rights.”


Scheuermann, Mona, Her Bread to Earn: Women, Money and Society from Defoe to Austen, Lexington, University Press of Kentucky, 1993, 284 pp. “ ‘He had … enough to marry a woman as portionless as Miss Taylor.’  Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice and Emma,” p. 199-239.  Cloth, dust jacket.


Shattock, Joanne, Oxford Guide to British Women Writers, New York, Oxford University Press, 1993, 504 pp.  Jane Austen, p. 14-15.  Cloth, dust jacket.


Stewart, Maaja A., Domestic Realities & Imperial Fictions: Jane Austen’s Novels in Eighteenth-Century Contexts.  Athens, U GA Press, 1993, 224 pp.  Cloth.


Tave, Stuart M., Lovers, Clowns & Fairies: An Essay on Comedies, Chicago, UCP, 1993, 272 pp.  Chapter 3: “What Are Men to Rocks and Mountains?  Pride and Prejudice,” p. 58-90.  Paper and cloth.


Tennant, Emma, Pemberley or Pride and Prejudice Continued, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1993.  New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1993, 184 pp.  Cloth, dust jacket.


Winnifrith, Tom, Fallen Women in the Nineteenth-Century Novel, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1993, 192 pp.  Chapter 2, Jane Austen.  New York, St. Martin’s, 1993.





Aiken, Joan, Jane Fairfax: A Novel to Complement “Emma” by Jane Austen, London, Chivers Press, and Boston, G. K. Hall, 1992, 360 pp.  Large type edition, library binding.


Austen, Jane, Complete Works of Jane Austen, New York, Oxford University Press, 1992, Oxford Electronic Text Library.  Novels only,  Chapman text.  10 disks.


—, Complete Novels of Jane Austen, New York, Modern Library, 1992.  Vol. 1, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Mansfield Park, 898 pp.  Vol. 2, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Persuasion, 712 pp.  Cloth, dust jackets.


—, Emma, introduction by David Lodge. World’s Classics.  New York, Oxford University Press, 1992 Reprint, xxvi+445 pp.  Paper.


—, Lady Susan, translated from English by Angelika Beck.  Frankfurt am Main, Insel Verlag, 1992.


—, Mansfield Park, new introduction by Marilyn Butler.  World’s Classics.  New York, Oxford University Press, 1992 Reprint, xxxvi+438 pp.  Paper.


—, Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sanditon, new introduction by Terry Castle.  World’s Classics.  New York, Oxford University Press, 1992 Reprint, xlii+388 pp.  Paper.


—, Seven Letters from Jane Austen to Frank and Charles Austen, Alta Loma, CA, Crosscurrents/Bookhaven Press, 1992, 52 pp.  A miniature book numbered and limited to 300 copies.  Boards.


Fergus, Jan, Jane Austen A Literary Life, Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1992 Reprint, 201 pp.  Paper.


Gillespie, Jane, Aunt Celia, Boston, G. K. Hall, 1992, 259 pp.  Continuation.  Large type.  Paper,


Jane Austen Society, Report for 1991, Winchester, Jane Austen Society, 1992, 32 pp.  Paper.


Jane Austen Society (Midlands), Transactions, #3, 1992, no place, no publisher.  79 pp.  Paper.


Jane Austen Society of Australia, Sensibilities, #4, February, 1992.  No place, no publisher.  48 pp.  Paper.


Jane Austen Society of North America.  Persuasions #14. Vancouver, BC, Jane Austen Society North America, 1992, 151 pp.  Paper.


Jenkins, Elizabeth, Jane Austen, 5th edition.  London, Gollancz, 1992, 287 pp.  Paper.


Jones, Vivien, How to Study a Jane Austen Novel, London, Macmillan, 1992.  Paper.


Knowlden, Michelle, “The Jane Austen Murder,” p. 59, Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Volume 37, No. 11, November, 1992.  Magazine.


Kulik, Maggie, The Nonpareil, adapted from Jane Austen’s novel Emma, Orem, Encore Publishing Co., 1991, 44 pp.  Paper.


Wiltshire, John, Jane Austen and the Body: ‘The Picture of Health,’ Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1992, xiii+251 pp.  Cloth, dust jacket.


This listing is limited to books, for the most part.  For the definitive bibliography of Jane Austen studies, including books, articles, essays, reviews, mentions, dissertations and series, we recommend An Annotated Bibliography of Jane Austen Studies edited by Barry Roth.  The new edition covering 1984-1994 will appear in 1995.  The edition covering 1973-1983 is still in print.  David Gilson’s A Bibliography of Jane Austen, Clarendon, Oxford, 1985R, covers items published through 1978.  It is out of print.


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