Persuasions #2, 1980 Page 11 TADPOLL
During dinner at Baltimore a poll was conducted by
Mr. Tad Mosel. Members were asked to vote on their favourite
character in Mansfield Park.
The results were as follows:
Mary Crawford 22; Mrs. Norris 18; Fanny 15; Henry Crawford 8; Pug 6;
Sir Thomas Bertram, William Price, Susan Price, 5; Edmund, Lady
Bertram, Dr. Grant, Mr. Rushworth, Mr. Yates, Tom, Narrator, Julia
and Maria, 2; Mrs. Grant, Nannie, Rebecca, Baddeley 1. Mr. and Mrs.
Price received no votes.
Reading the above, members may be amused to recall some contemporary opinions solicited by J.A. from her family.
Frank Austen: Fanny is a delightful Character! and Aunt Norris is a great favourite of mine … Edward Knight …Liked the character of Fanny … Fanny Knight … delighted with Fanny. Anna Austen … could not bear Fanny. Mrs. James Austen … Enjoyed Mrs. Norris particularly. JA’s mother: Thought Fanny insipid. Enjoyed Mrs. Norris. Cassandra: Fond of Fanny … delighted much in Mr. Rushworth’s stupidity.