Persuasions #2, 1980 Page 12 LETTERS FROM STEVENTON From the Rev. G.R. Turner The Rectory to Mr. George Tucker North Waltham, Nr. Basingstoke. Hampshire. 20th January, 1980 Dear Mr. Tucker: I write on behalf of the ancient Parish of Steventon to thank you, and through you, the members of your Jane Austen Society, for the magnificent and generous gift of 562 dollars. This has put new heart into our residents who are hard pressed in these difficult inflationary times to maintain, let alone improve, the old Church of St. Nicholas where Jane’s father officiated for so many years. As you well know, the population of Steventon is quite small. The Church is very old and to try to look after its fabric is a serious financial problem. The East window has been renewed and three exterior walls rendered, but we now have problems with the roof structure, and the 100 year old organ is long overdue for renovation. The latter alone, it is estimated, will cost about £2,000 a sum which it would take the Parish years to accumulate. So you can see just how encouraged we have all been by this very magnanimous gift; it serves to give a glimmer of light at the end of a long tunnel leading towards some worthwhile project to improve the Church for the generation who will follow us.
We are so grateful. Yours sincerely, Geoffrey Turner
To J. David Grey from Joyce Bown Bassett’s Farm, Steventon, Hants 19th May, 1980 Dear Jack, At the Annual Church Meeting of St. Nicholas’, Steventon, the generosity of The Jane Austen Society of North America in sending us three donations totalling 1,142 dollars was most gratefully recorded. It was the unanimous wish of the Meeting, held on 21st April 1980, that I should ask you to convey to all members of your Society our heartfelt and sincere gratitude of this most generous support. The money will enable us to restore the windows on the South side of the Church. A task that had to be omitted, due to lack of funds, when the exterior walls were re-rendered in 1977. The interest of your Members in helping us to maintain our Church, which has such a special place in our hearts and in Britain’s heritage, is most sincerely appreciated. We hope that many of your members will enjoy a visit to the Church whenever they have the opportunity. With our very best wishes, Joyce Bown Secretary to Parochial Church Council