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Jane Austen: 1775-1817

June 12, 2017

Jane Austen:  1775-1817

Jane Austen died on July 18, 1817, at the age of 41. We invite you to post a tribute in the Memorial Book in celebration of her life and work and in commemoration of the bicentenary of her death.

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  • Patricia Knight Jan 1, 2018, 6:16 PM (7 years ago)

    You came into my life when I had lived 45 years of it. How did I get along until then without rediscovering the human heart, the value of wit, and the understanding of today's trials and joys. Without the retrospective understanding of life as it was. one cannot fully cherish live as it is. I notice and treasure so much more the morning light, my children's smiles, my husband's understanding and companionship as well as the memories with me still from those I've lost. Thank you Jane.

  • Susie Wampler Jan 1, 2018, 5:19 PM (7 years ago)

    "To sit in the shade on a fine day and look upon verdure is the most perfect refreshment."
    These words of Austen's now adorn a bench in the garden at the Huntington Library in San Marino, California, and it was my great pleasure to be at the dedication of that bench on October 5, 2017. But the perfect refreshment for the mind and the heart will always be a re-reading of any of Austen's work.

  • Charles Pierce Jan 1, 2018, 3:21 PM (7 years ago)

    Jane Austen (the creator of the Rom/Com genre) is exemplar of compassion for others. Her books offer the individual a world where hope is realized, and positive life outcomes are possible regardless of one's station or status.

  • Andree Berlin Jan 1, 2018, 2:43 PM (7 years ago)

    "What is right to be done cannot be done too soon." My resolution for the New Year; thank you Jane Austen.

  • Sheila Rose Jan 1, 2018, 2:39 PM (7 years ago)

    With gratitude for all you have brought to my life and the life of my family...

  • Patti Barrett Jan 1, 2018, 10:04 AM (7 years ago)

    Dear Jane,
    I am ashamed to say that more than half my life was spent not knowing you and I am the poorer for it! I endeavor to make up for it now by keeping you, my most agreeable companion, near me at every opportunity. Your genius in wit, style, language and observation are my compass and I view the world that is and the world that was, through different eyes because of you. You have my unending gratitude for being both valued friend and teacher.

  • Tim B Jan 1, 2018, 9:48 AM (7 years ago)

    Jane Austen, you have made my life better, and eased the strain of providing comfort to my beloved. You have pierced the soul of us all in the kindest of ways. For that, we are ever gracious. Long live Jane!

  • Miss Zoe Hood Dec 31, 2017, 6:37 PM (7 years ago)

    "Wisdom is better than wit, and in the long run will certainly have the laugh on her side."--Jane Austen. How I have enjoyed reading these tributes, and they said it all so much better than I could ever do. Words fail me.

  • Kaylene Coleman Dec 31, 2017, 6:08 PM (7 years ago)

    It has been a lovely relationship. Truly, I have been touched at different stages of my life. Thanks for all the laughter, enlightenment, and solace.

  • Ann Hagelstein Dec 31, 2017, 3:24 PM (7 years ago)

    I have been reading and rereading Jane Austen for over 6o years and never tire of her insight into the human heart, writing with a sharp wit and unerring brilliance. To have the imagination to create an Anne Elliot and a Lizzie Bennett astounds me even now. Jane was a clear-eyed teller of truth whose stories will endure forever.

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