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AGM Update Center

The Latest AGM News and Tips

Check this blog for timely announcements about the upcoming Annual General Meeting, including late-breaking news, registration information and policies, hints for making your registration selections, tips for first-timers, and other logistical details. Information intended for individuals (registration confirmations, invoices, waitlist notifications, etc.) is not posted here.

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2024 AGM Website Banner

Remaining Hilton Rooms Released for Sale

July 9, 2024

As of 2pm Eastern Time on July 9, all remaining guest room inventory in the JASNA block at the Cleveland Hilton Downtown has been made available for reservations.

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2024 AGM Website Banner

AGM Registration Update

June 22, 2024

Registration for the 2024 AGM in Cleveland, Ohio opened on June 19.    If you have not yet registered:  Both Attendee and Companion registration is available.

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2024 AGM Website Banner

Video Tutorial and Printable Guide for AGM Registration Available Now

June 16, 2024

If it's your first time registering for a JASNA AGM, or you just want to preview the registration system before it opens, we have two tools to help you.

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AGM Preview Brochure Header

2024 AGM Preview Brochure Now Available!

June 7, 2024

To help you prepare for the opening of AGM registration on June 19, the AGM coordinators have created a downloadable, printable brochure with descriptions of all programs and activities.

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2024 AGM Website Banner

Zoom Meeting: "Get Ready for the AGM" on June 11

May 30, 2024

It's almost time to register for the 2024 JASNA AGM in Cleveland! Registration will open on June 19.

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2024 AGM Website Banner

Hotel Room Availability Update, Feb. 25, 12 noon

January 31, 2024

Currently, a small number of KING rooms are available for the nights of Wednesday, October 16 and Thursday, October 17, as well as 2QUEEN rooms for Sunday, October 21.

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2023 AGM Bannerv2

2023 AGM Update for Registrants #2

September 11, 2023

This week, the Gaylord Rockies Resort invited JASNA’s President Mary Mintz and others on the conference team to make a pre-conference visit to the hotel and meet with department heads.

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2023 AGM Update for Registrants #1

September 11, 2023

Have you picked out your favorite sweater to bring to the AGM? As we endure the heat and humidity of August, crisp autumn air is an appealing prospect! Here is...

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2023 AGM Bannerv2

Gaylord and Brown Palace Reservations Update

June 22, 2023

June 22, 10:30 pm  -- Rooms are still available for the AGM.

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2023 AGM Bannerv2

Gaylord Hotel Reservations UPDATE

June 22, 2023

1:45pm ET UPDATE:  If you are still trying to make your reservation, read on. . .

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