AGM Update Center
The Latest AGM News and Tips
Check this blog for timely announcements about the upcoming Annual General Meeting, including late-breaking news, registration information and policies, hints for making your registration selections, tips for first-timers, and other logistical details. Information intended for individuals (registration confirmations, invoices, waitlist notifications, etc.) is not posted here.
Gaylord Hotel Reservations UPDATE
June 22, 2023
1:45pm ET UPDATE: If you are still trying to make your reservation, read on. . .
REGISTRATION UPDATE: 6/21/23, 9:02pm
June 21, 2023
REGISTRATION IS OPEN: space is available in both Attendee and Companion categories. If you are seeing a "Registration Full" notice, please try again.
June 21, 2023
Registration will reopen at 9:00pm Eastern Time with additional availability for both Attendees and Companions.
Registration Update, 6/21/2023 - REGISTRATION IS OPEN
June 21, 2023
12:09 Registration is OPEN and working properly.
AGM Registration Guide Is Now Available
June 18, 2023
A Registration Guide has been created to assist JASNA members in preparing for AGM registration.
COVID-19 Information and Policy for the 2023 AGM
May 20, 2023
JASNA is committed to protecting all members and guests at the AGM, and we ask all conference attendees to do their part to safeguard their own health and that of...
Look Here for the Latest 2023 AGM News
May 17, 2023
Announcements with time-sensitive administrative information about the 2023 AGM will be posted here in the coming months.
Essential Pre-Arrival Information for AGM Registrants
September 22, 2022
Many delights await us at the AGM in Victoria, but first, we have to get there! This email provides essential information about border crossing, vaccinations, face coverings, on-site check-in, tickets, and other...
Banquet, Ball, Shopping, More!
September 8, 2022
Dear JASNA AGM Registrants, Today all registrants should have received an email from the AGM Registrar with the following announcements.
Reminder: August 20 Deadline for JASNA AGM Refunds and Changes
August 16, 2022
Dear JASNA AGM Registrants, Today all registrants should have received a second email from the AGM Registrar with the following important announcements.